An engaged team is the greatest asset a company can desire.
We seek to create challenging environments, where there is enough motivation to grow, respecting each individual and obtaining the best possible results.
We structured a complete career plan, elaborating the salary survey, defining the levels of each function, the mechanisms of ascension, the benefits package and, finally, a new proposal for a job and salary plan.
We implemented a model based on behavioral and knowledge aspects, according to the characteristics of the business. We teach you how to use this powerful tool as an evolutionary form of feedback. We implement individual and business development plans.
We help companies to structure a bonus program to accelerate results. We work the meritocratic model based on the achievement of individual and team objectives.
We help build an organizational climate survey based on the company's values. Everything is treated with due care, so that the results are measured and transformed into effective changes.
We help our clients to structure a new organization chart by analyzing the functions defined for each process and researching the desired profile, productivity and qualification. We compare with the market benchmarks.